"The Beauty of Reality"

It's so great and beautiful to see that we live in such a beautiful world of opportunity.

It's so great to see such tireless efforts to preserve our ecosystem and to live in harmony with nature.

It's comforting to know that we can trust our leaders to protect us and keep us safe.

Our artists are pushing new levels of intelligence and beauty.

Last but not least there seems to be incredible unity between our diverse religions and changing cultures.

From the richest CEO to the poorest mental health victim,

From the most peaceful Nirvana to total annihilation,

Strive to live in reality and,embrace diversity.













In the Us up to 600,000 men, women and children
go homeless every night.















The average person in the United States generates 4.40
pounds of trash each day and recycles 1.19 pounds per day.













VX gas is one of the most dangerous chemicals created.
It is absorbed through the eyes or the skin of the victim. It takes an hour or
two to take effect and its effects result in death.










"An artist is somebody who produces things that people don't need to have but that he
-- for some reason -- thinks it would be a good idea to give them."
Andy Warhol (1928-87).












In rememberence of September 11,2001

More than 2 billion people worldwide will be Christians in 2000.
Islam is the second (1.19 billion adherents), followed by Hindu (774 million),
Buddhists (359 million), tribal religions (252 million), atheists (151 million),
Sikhs (22.7 million), and Jews (14.2 million),
non-religious (768 million), new religions (101 million)