Broken Sparrow

Dumped from the nest, learning to fly
You don’t catch on
Hitting the ground you are easy prey
Like a broken sparrow, you will die

Living day to day while we learn
Watching time pass
Hoping for a greater ending
Hoping that the tables will turn

Haven’t you drawn your own conclusions?
Or are you still a child
Have you figured it all out yet?
Or are you living illusions

When you know you’re accountable
Some of us fear
That’s when you start paying the price
Actions become questionable

Like a broken sparrow waiting
Killers prowl close by
Plotting the death of innocents
A sparrow who’ll never learn to fly

Don’t be broken sparrow friends
Learn to fly right
Don’t be a victim of murder
Or unintentional suicide

A small loss for a deep message
Broken sparrow
Learn how to fly, and then you die
Broken sparrow turns the page

The answer lives behind your eyes
Secret to flight
Yes we all hope that you make it
No sparrows deserve to die

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