Prosecute Your Own Case

I can sit back and tell you the correct way to live
For days, months, years and decades
But I couldn’t live it myself you know
For seconds, minutes, hours, or days
It seems to me that all I am doing is
Creating a mental suicide and prosecuting my own case
Maybe this would all end if I could hide
Take some food, water and seeds into a cave
Sit back and think of positive things
And stop passing judgment on people, God and myself
Just sit back and think of positive things
And hope that God will take me up
I really don’t want to be the way I am today
But in a lot of ways I do
I wish I could separate the bad from the good
Without scaring off my friends
Because some say religion is the way to go
But it is a good way to scare off everyone you know
I’ve got minimal problems with the trinitive road
It’s aesthetically lovey and is unappealing
I know it’s the only true way to go
But I can’t aesthetically live its road

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