Chapter 3
a representation
of an image of a certain size to hold the space until the image is included
named anchors-
anchors are points on a page to mark a point that you can refer back to
from links on the same page.
email tag- allows you to open the user's default email
program with your email address in the "to" feild.
hash mark function- to divide and show files and folder
alt tag- description that pops up on mouse over.
optimize- to reduce images file size with out degrading
the image beyond what you want to use to get the smallest file size possible.
Jpeg- file type that needs to be decompressed before
viewing which ads to load time.
gif- 256 colors, 8 bit depth, transparency, animation,
perfect for web
indexed color- only web safe colors
adaptive color- based on visual spectrum, not web safe
selective color- only web safe colors
dither- mixes different colored pixels together to blend
a third color
matte- use same color as background to frame an image
to make the image edge smooth