Vocabulary Chapter 4

font lists- type of fonts used when loading the page
base font size- the base font size is 3 and all the other sizes reference that size
heading- different heading types have different looks <h1>, <h2> etc.
<table>- tag that allows tables to be made to hold content, and size pages
<tr>- table row- specifies row size
<td>- table data- font sizes within the tables
column- verticle groups of cells
row- horizontal groups of cells
cell- Of a table of many divisions one square is called a cell
transparent gif- a transparent pixel 1x1 that tricks the browser into thinking that there is content in the cell and keeps it from resizing.
tag selector- tag buttons at bottom of screen for selecting things.
cell spacing- controls amount of space between cells
cell padding- controls space between cells and content
nested tables- one table within another
pixel based table- a table that has an exact pixel size that will not resize in browser
% based table- table that calculates window size and changes table size in proportion