Tom Davis
                                   Websurf Report
Why Chosen- This was the site listed on the syllabus for this week. I didn't really enjoy it that much
so I don’t know really what to say here. I didn't notice the second choice until I was already done here.
Content- This site is dedicated to the journal of a jewish person
during the holocaust. This site gives a translation of his journal
and shows the pages with pictures and writing on them.
Why Interesting- Again, I really have no interest in reading someone’s journal about their life during that time. The site was completely predictable, but I guess if I was interested I would say that I enjoyed being able to take a look back into someone’s life and feel what they felt, and see the past through their eyes.
How well organized- I guess for what the site was it was organized well. Some of the navigation in some of the child pages were a bit difficult to navigate, but not impossible.
Graphics and Text- I don’t really like the style of  the site,
but I guess it follows the idea and style of the journal. It seems
to have a sort of  “Da Da” type collage style to it which would
be somewhat representative of the art that was around at that time.
Problems- I didn’t really have any problems with the site aside from my own personal dislike for look of it. Some of the
navigation was difficult, not providing back buttons and such, forcing you to use the browser buttons.