Survival, or Escape from Entropy |
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo There's a second truth. It's the arbitrary percpetive truth of mankind's view of the actual static truth. It's like trying to see a puzzle picture with 90% of the puzzle missing. This truth changes from individual to individual. As far as belief systems go, I believe the most useful belief is agnosticism when you are discussing overall social stability. It is possible that any one of a number of faith based concepts could be the truth, even though we would rely on minimal evidence and our ego now, it could still be the static truth right now. Even if it is, we cannot know now. I believe we have a desire to be part of an order. I think instictively we are trying to escape maximum entropy. You could say we are trying to escape "The Big Bang". As organisms in an open system, we desire order. Systems in the body, like the immune system have a job. The cells don't understand what's going on with the whole system, but they do the job of fighting off foriegn cells. It's seems to me, that man's only job is fighting off maximum entropy. As his mind grew in size, and his abstraction capabilities grew, he then desired to know his purpose, hence the desire for faith and religion, or in my case, realization of agnosticism. I would like to propose the idea that the animals, simply know to escape maximum entropy. That is why they survive. Every cell in their body is singing, "Order is necessity. Minimize entropy. Minimize entropy." Just a bit of creative philosophy.