"Evil" Has No Place In Law |
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo What is the opposite of "evil"? I bet most people will say
"good". So what is the opposite of "bad"? Again, most
people will probably say "good". So what is the difference between
"bad" and "evil"? Essentially in the dictionary they
are the same thing, but in the reality of the usage of the words in every
day life, it is my opinion that the word "evil" is used to describe
actions and ideas that people believe the word "bad" will not
be significant to describe the scenario or issue. In these cases the idea
is graduated to "evil". I guarantee you there is many other
words that can be used instead of the word "evil"; terrible,
awful, mean, destructive, sick, self-abasing, etc. The only place the
word "evil" should be used is in fictional super-hero comics. I would like to end by saying that the word "evil" has no place
in politics or law. It absolutely should never be used. Hey, Bushy boy,
use your brain, try this, "The Axis of States against the American
Hegemony". Let's be real to our people for once. If you always present
the facts that will cause the least amount of civil unrest regardless
of what the truth is, that's not democracy. How can the people be in control
of a government they know no truth about? Maybe we should try a new name,
The Republic of United States. |