Objective Agnostic Moderate

1/2/05 -
"God" is a word that has far too many biases and is submerged in years and years of dogma and fanaticism. For this discourse I will use "creator" because this leaves the creation question open to creation ideas other than the present picture man has painted of what he believes his "God" to be.

I will never say there is no creator. I don't have the proof to make such an assumption. I also have no proof there is a creator so I wont make any assumptions about that either. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice versa. What is wrong with living life with this open question? Why are people so compelled to answer this question that they would become delusional? When did being realistic become "evil"?

It's hard for me to write this because I know that I will immediately be labeled egotistical, foolish, and ill informed, evil or whatever the cool new buzzword is for people who don't agree with the religious establishments.

In my opinion, if people would clear their minds of religious agendas the world would be a much safer place to live. Objective thinking with regards to different points of view, and a realization that nobody on planet earth truly has an answer to man's origin unless they can present irrefutable proof would be a large step toward a more peaceful planet. Even in the basic American judicial system, the court case of "Religious punishment by God vs. Mankind" could scarcely return a guilty verdict against mankind, given the evidence provided throughout time.

Why some people blindly accept life as a gift is beyond me. Yes it's true that some people have good lives, but there are many more that live terrible lives, lives of suffering. How are these lives a gift? There's no plan, there's no sense to it. These are concepts that could only be accepted by opinion and personal belief. Even the atheist bases his belief on faith. The atheist also has no proof.

If you have total proof of the philosophy's claims, there is no question, and moving forward there is still disobedience, then punishment could be justly incurred, but not a second sooner. To me, the Christians have it wrong when the foundation of their religion is based on a "just" God who is a "loving" God. The Muslims have it right for what they are trying to do. The Muslim God Allah," will not be governed by mere justice", to the Muslims,"Allah is the law." This seems more in step with the world around us. There's so much injustice in the world to date that it's next to impossible for a rational academic to choke down that the "God" of any religion has any justification for what is going on around us, and they certainly can't choke it down based purely on faith.

I would just like to say that I enjoy so many benefits from being agnostic. I can listen to anybody's point of view and not feel like it's my duty to pass judgment on them. I can take the benefits from different religions and philosophies and use them to make myself better. I'm not restricted to one way of life. I feel free and also am working to make myself a better person based on what I believe are definite useful advantages of one religion or philosophy to the next. It's great.

There are many religious people who are terrible people and cause many problems in the world but are told that they are doing "God's" duty, and there are many agnostics and atheists that may be working hard to correct the current problems in the world, but are labeled as "evil" people just because they don’t actively live their lives a certain way. So let me put it to you this way, if there is a creator do you think he's going to place more value on the person who was a fundamentalist religious supporter regardless of the social or psychological affect it has on the people around them, or someone who is conscious of the people around them and is able to bend and flex and realize that they are just one person in 6 billion, and everybody has their own opinion and is able to show tolerance in their attitude toward everybody.

This is an analogy I use to explain the current world condition:

Imagine all of humanity is floating on a boat together, there's no land in site.

The atheist and the agnostics are saying," I wonder when we will find land, and I wonder what it'll be like?”

The faith based religious person says," We're on land right now."

Atheists and Agnostics," No, were floating on a boat in the middle of the ocean."

The faith based religious person says," No, we're on land right now."

Atheists and Agnostics," We're staring directly at your feet, your standing on the deck with us, we're all out here in the middle of the ocean together, looking for land!"

The faith based religious person says," No, your wrong. We're on land. "

Atheists and Agnostics," Why do you think you are on land when we can clearly see that your not?"

The faith based religious person says," Because I believe I am."

To me this is the definition of delusional. Every time I talk to a religious person who's dogmatic or judgmental, I always think about this story and I think about the lack of empathy that religious people carry for all of mankind. They'll be right there to pity your misguidedness, but they're not with you in the reality of life's questions.
