Philosophy and Color |
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Black and white, black and white, elitist and with feigned clarity. You refuse to realize your gray. Selective memory, unchecked and uncritical reassurance by a multitude of similar people with a tantamount dearth of nuance and subtlety. Why try to understand an underlying universal humanism, when you can just kill the people who do not herd themselves behind your foot stomping irrationality. Even if you offer a feigned objective reasoning for your direction, you still smell of the taint of prejudice. Any position of this kind, of black and white, who might by chance be reading this writing, will automatically think me a hypocrite, because you imagine I am imposing my idea on you, in the same way in which you impose your idea. Your limited understanding of nuance is what puts you in this position. You have not enough study to understand the position of diversity. I am not imposing my idea on to you, but I am imposing everybody else's idea, in the entire world on to you. Therefore I am not a hypocrite, but the bringer of enlightenment to such a myopic vision. We, who reside in red, yellow, and blue with a clear understanding of black and white, understand that we are all brown. We understand that both black, white, gray, and red, yellow and blue exist in the world. We understand killing comes from misguided resolve. We understand our colors are the colors of peace. We do not fear the pain of truth. We meet it head on. We try to create a better truth that we can be happy with in reality. Red, yellow, blue, and to some extent gray, you have a chance to make the world into a beautiful painting. Use the organic, and the mechanical to create your masterpiece. Understand what the people desire, and bring in the new with your imaginations. Usher in a new era of peace, nuance, understanding, reality, and objective truth. Through the growing pain of dealing with the brutish black and white, we will have our subtle, and difficultly attained satisfaction. Their obstacle only heightens the reward of our success, but nature speaks to the red, yellow and blue and appeals for her equilibrium. |