Utopian Globalization

- I know there's deep seeded hatred for globalization. I totally agree with the dissidents of the WTO, NAFTA and the IMF. Power hungry special interest groups are leading the charge forward to what, in my opinion is a destructive mutant form of what true globalization should achieve.

I would like to address the nuclear threat. I believe the most compelling directive of globalization goes beyond trade and tariffs. With total "Globalization" the control of weapons should be attainable. I know this is "Utopian Politics" but theoretically it could work. With many different types of governments with conflicting interests who could possibly use extinction level weapons, I feel it's necessary to control all the weapons on the planet, like what the IAEA does, but with no acceptions for would be hegemonic states in the future. Again, I know this is Utopian Politics, but isn't it something to work towards?

I would like to say that it is not the true idea of globalization that is creating the problems around the world. It's the mutated ideals of the large corporations who will basically do anything to make a profit. They are using the name of globalization to, in effect, create a government that other governments must answer to, without the consent of the people in those countries. This greatly benefits the large corporations, while it effectively makes your elected president the middleman, instead of a leader.

Globalization needs to be done right. We can't take the organizations and trade agreements that we have now and build on them. We have to start from the ground up. We have to rebuild it from scratch and take protective measures to protect the people from the corporations.

In my personal crusade for what I'm going to now call "Utopian Globalization" I will continue to build a world government system, learning from the major mutant debacle taking place right now. "Unjustified Profit" is the cancer in the directive of the failed globalization model of today. The people's welfare must come first in any true attempt at a global leadership. When I say "Unjustified Profit" I mean any company who makes a profit at the expense of the people, without actually providing them with something that is worth the sacrifice the people made. Sacrifices by the people include polluted air, land and water and the destruction of vital ecosystem functionality like the reduction of oxygen making plants and the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

